We held the last AGM for En10ergy on 16 November 2015 at the Pages Lane Methodist Church.
Alan Morton gave a brief review of the year – he reported the demise of En10ergy Solar Ltd. This company was set up to facilitate the possible formation of a community solar array on the Ferry Lane estate in east Haringey, in partnership with Haringey Council and Repowering London. In the end this did not go ahead, partly because it was not possible to supply electricity to local householders from the pv arrays. However, Haringey Council have continued to put solar pv on buildings owned by themselves. Some of the money brought in by the Feed in Tariff (FiT) is supposed to be ring fenced for other environmental projects in the Borough. En10ergy have been in discussion with Woodside High School in White Hart Lane. An energy audit is to be carried out, and bids for doing this work are now in hand.
Reading the meters at Marks and Spencer. There have been some problems in the year due to arrays tripping out, but this has now been put right by EcoDomus. This may be due to the electricity supply to the M&S store. Alex King offered to be a back up meter reader, in case Alan was not able to do it at some point.
Camden School of Girls raised their own money for solar panels so did not require any help from En10ergy. The proposed scheme at the Wightman Road mosque has not yet gone ahead.
En10ergy has continued to support Haringey 40:20 – now the Haringey Climate Forum, moderated by Quentin Given of Tottenham Friends of the Earth. There is a new website for the Forum. Due to severe budget cuts there are now fewer Council staff working on sustainability, but the Council has appointed a Carbon Manager for the Borough.
Cara Jenkinson outlined the main points of the annual accounts – administration costs were down for the year as the company is no longer paying for storage space (thanks to Ecodomus for providing free space). Also Mary Blake, our coordinator, worked for fewer days during this financial year.
A successful 21st Century Homes event was held in February, but attracted slightly fewer attendants than previously. Stalls promoting sustainability in Muswell Hill were organised for a number of local summer events. Speaker meetings and a draught proofing advice weekend (with Home Energy Efficiency Training (HEET), Walthamstow) also took place during the year.
The Homeowner packs pioneered by the Highgate Society were adapted for Muswell Hill and promoted to estate agents in the area.
Through the London Sustainability Exchange (LsX), En10ergy received some money to promote the Smart Homes grants, available through Haringey Council.
The current bank balance is around £22,000.
The Secretary, Pamela Harling, confirmed that the formal annual financial return had been made on time to the Financial Conduct Authority. There have been two management meetings during the year.
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