As of November 2017, over 150 solar panels installed on the sports hall at Woodside School are now generating clean solar energy. This was funded by a share offer of £95,000 launched in May 2017. Shareholders receive income from sales of electricity to both Woodside and Riverside schools (at a discounted rate) and from the government’s feed-in-tariff.
The schools will save around £1,400 per year on energy bills and will save all of us about 34 tons of carbon emissions each year. en10ergy will also provide a grant towards developiing educational material which can use information from the solar panels for teaching in the schools, and will assist in the delivery of a suitable and creative teaching aid.
Unfortunately we were able to install less panels than anticipated due to the unsuitability of part of the roof at Woodside School, which was revealed following detailed structural surveys. We are now working with other potential host sites to install the remaining panels during 2018.
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